Overhead optical cables are widely used in the construction of fiber optic communication lines in the air, on existing power transmission towers, contact networks of electrified railways, etc.
Main advantages:
- resistance to loads. The overhead wire can withstand strong winds, icing and other negative influences that can lead to excessive longitudinal and transverse forces and breakage. Kevlar gasket additionally protects against mechanical damage;
- stiffness of the fiber optic cable. Provided by fiberglass, steel wire or cable;
- no distortion of transmitted information (due to the dielectric load-bearing element);
- ease of installation (installation does not require disconnecting power lines).
The product consists of a steel rope, optical fibers, the voids between which are filled with a thixotropic hydrophobic gel. The wire is protected from corrosion and oxidation by water-repellent tape and a metal-plastic sheath (aluminum tape with lamination).
We offer to buy an optical suspension cable. There are several wire options available in our assortment: with fibers grouped in strips or bundles, with a fiberglass core, ballistic protection and a polyethylene sheath.