The national project "Labor Productivity" is being implemented in the Belgorod region since 2018. During this time, 92 enterprises of the basic non–resource sectors of the region's economy - processing and food production, transport enterprises, agriculture, trade and construction - have become its participants. The goal of the national project is to ensure an annual increase in labor productivity in the country by 5% annually by 2024.
One of the enterprises that joined the national project in April 2022 is Telecom Group LLC. The start of the national project activities took place on May 12 with a kick-off meeting at the enterprise. They are implemented with the support of experts from the Regional Competence Center in the Field of Labor Productivity.
In December 2019, a new modern plant of the Telecom Group company opened in Novaya Tavolzhanka. The enterprise includes a full production cycle of high-quality telecommunications equipment and metal furniture. Telecom Group has perfected the production technology, but the company's managers are not ready to stop there, so they decided to implement an increase in labor productivity.
“We want to improve our skills and the qualifications of the company’s management team. In order to build correctly technical processes that will have minimal losses in certain areas of work. This will provide an opportunity to increase your competencies and reduce losses." Director of Telecom Group LLC Artyom Makhonin
Under the management of RCC experts, the project working group, consisting of enterprise employees, will diagnose the pilot flow, identify problems and draw up an action plan to reduce the process time and increase output. In addition, company employees will be trained in the basic tools of lean manufacturing. The goal of implementing a project to increase labor productivity is to achieve planned indicators, and this is to reduce the process time, reduce work in progress, and increase output in the pilot flow. One of the main tasks facing experts is to convey the methodology for conducting projects to increase labor productivity and train enterprise employees in lean production tools. The total duration of the program at enterprises is at least three years.